Wednesday 30 November 2016

Raspberry Pi 3 Specs

For my project, I used RPi 2. The requirement for my project was WIFI. I had to use an external modem to connect to a network. Sometimes the external modem will not work. Due to the inconsistency, it was hard for me to predict what might work and what might not.

Raspberry Pi 3 - a brief encounter

Let me give you a brief experience of my first time hearing about RPi. Did my research, and found that RPi works best on Linux. For me, it was a such a big deal. Using Windows all my life, suddenly trying Linux, I wasn't confident.
                                              Image result for windows linux

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Getting hot seats in AIRASIA for free.....

In an totally unrelated post. Just for sharing information. If you're travelling a lot from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, you probably want to read this. It will save you a lot of money and time.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Need help with your fyp?

We know fyp could be hard sometimes. Somehow, somewhere, you'll be study in a dead end, not knowing what to do. Mainly if you decide to go with prototypes using microcontrollers such as arduino and raspberry pi.

If these things run in your head,

Sunday 20 November 2016

Arduino, the overview

Arduino is an open source hardware and software project. For me, Arduino is the simplest kind of platform you cold design your project. It offers variety of libraries and sketches. You don't need to wreck your brains to figure things out. There is always an online community that is always ready to help. FORUM.

Friday 18 November 2016

Steps to begin your FYP / Senior Project for EE students

FYP is a very challenging task given to engineering students. It requires students to think out of the box and somehow come out with a "mind blowing" idea. The subject requires students to both manage their time well and also excel technically to complete the project.